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Let's grow together

We are a 100% volunteer-run farm and we welcome individuals and groups of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities.


Individuals & families

We host regular public events at our working farm and orchard.

All volunteers are required to read & sign our annual Terms of Participation and Waiver of Liability form.

People working on a farm


Tuesdays Mornings

9 am


Select Saturday Mornings
9 am

A person using a shovel beneath a tree


Occasional Saturdays

A happy volunteer carrying a crate of watermelon


Tuesdays Mornings
9 am

Friday Evenings
Returning Summer 2024


Hey businesses, schools, clubs, and churches! Planning a field trip or team building event for your group of 8+ folks?


We are thrilled to offer fun, hands-on events that are designed to connect volunteers to the earth and our food system in meaningful and memorable ways. 

Smaller groups may register as individuals for any upcoming public events.

A group of student volunteers

Required form

Our annual Terms of Participation and Waiver of Liability form must be completed every year for record keeping and legal purposes.


Help us save some time (and trees) by filling them out online before you come to volunteer!

What to expect

Some FAQs about volunteering at the farm. Still have questions? Contact us.

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